Thursday, October 26, 2006

25 October Downtime

While optimizing the tables in the database, it froze upon the posts table. As this was locking up the whole database server, the process had to be killed, resulting into the corruption of the table data. A one day backup is available and is being restored as soon as possible.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The site is down.

Nothing more to say at the moment.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Posts table problem was fixed

The posts table problem has been fixed with no significant loss.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Corrupted Posts Table

The forums posts table has corrupted once again. If all goes well, which it does usually, a repair should fix about everything. If it does not, then we've got the Day of Infamy, rinse and repeat. The site and forums have been shut down to ensure file integrity.

We hope everything is up in a few days. The last forum backup occurred two days ago (and has been verified), and the forums were mostly down today, so nothing much should have been added.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

We've been having trouble lately

We've been experiencing some server trouble. We expect to be up in a day or two.

Remember to try Paintball! The server is concurrently still up.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Update on status

Recovery operations will begin followed by the reinstallation of the server and its operating system. There is no expected date that we will be back up yet. Please visit the temporary forums (top right) in the mean time.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Current downtime status

On a very unrelated operation, some non-KAF files were being moved from the old server when an important server file was overwritten and corrupted. As this was a vital file, the server went haywire and began its course of crash and failure, rinse and repeat. The current state of the server isn't bright; a reinstallation may even be required. If so, we'll recover what we can and return KAF as soon as possible. We have less than one day old backups from the initial crash in case we are unable to recover the database.